Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bolo de Chocolate

Este foi o meu post mais valioso!! Espero que o tenham usado bem e com cuidado =P
O prazo de utilização acabou...

1 chávena de Chocolate
1 1/2 chávenas de açucar
2 chávenas de farinha
1/2 chávenas de óleo
5 ovos
1 colher de fermento
8 colheres de leite
8 colheres de açucar
8 colheres de chocolate
4 colheres de margarina

Monday, November 13, 2006

assim, para parecer q estou vivo!

You Are A Chestnut Tree

You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice.
And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around.
You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior.
Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal.
Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best.