Saturday, May 10, 2008

Loose Control

-Childrens these days are under the same pressure as adults are. Society is constantly pulling them torwards perfection. It's the parents fault actually. All these baby boomers grow up with high expectations of what life should be. Then they wake up in middle age and became unglued.
-What do you mean?
-It's called transference: The parents never learn to deal with their own failures so they pass their own unrealistic expectations on to their kids. They put pressure on them to excel in school, in relationships, and it's too much.
-You think Matt feels that way? I don't think I tried to pressure him.
-All this is unconscious, Julia. But yes, I think you do. That's why he is so quiet, he wants to appear in control, even when he's not.
-You make it sound like he is some sort of ticking-time bomb.
-Assembled pshycology really: If you're in a environment where you feel you can't fail, sooner or later, you'll explode.
[Nip/Tuck - Season 2 - Episode 2]


Anonymous said...

A maior oarte do que sentimos não transparece para as outras pessoas, a quem parece estar sempre tudo bem. Às vezes é preciso uma pequena explosão para quem nos rodeia perceber que a nossa vida não é assim tão perfeita e que também falhamos, mas isso não faz de nós piores pessoas, apenas nos assume como seres humanos...

rummy_ said...

há falta de espaço para falhar. não só imposta por terceiros... tantas vezes por nós proprios.